How Seemingly Mediocre Profiles Successfully Receive Permanent Visa

When people see the requirements for the GTI Visa Program, the first thing that comes to mind is: “I need to be excellent and successful to qualify”.

It is true to a certain degree. Australia wants people who add value to their country and that includes having skills and achievements. However, you don’t have to be at the top 10% of your industry for you to say that you are qualified.

As a matter of fact, there are people with only three years of experience who still qualify for this program. The answer to how this is possible will slowly unravel as you read on further.

Information is Processed in Chunks

Despite the specific criteria of the GTI Visa Program, an applicant’s profile will not be individually scrutinised for every criterion.

What this means is that you don’t have to be excellent in every aspect because Australia will not dive deep into every detail of your application. Instead, how the department processes information is through chunks. 

Australia looks at the overall aspect of your application. It’s like a grading system that looks into your average grade instead of requiring you to pass on every single subject.

This is the reason why it is possible for applicants with only three years of experience to get a permanent residency Visa. They might be short on experience, yet they are excellent when it comes to achievements and international recognition. 

What You Can Do Matters

If you looked at the qualification criteria for the GTI Visa Program, you would see that you are evaluated based on the things you have done. However, what you will do also matters.

It is a less known detail of the GTI Visa Program that your potential is also important. If you haven’t achieved anything great right now, proving that you can achieve something great in the future will leverage your application.

Remember, Australia is looking for people who will add value to their country and that means people who will do great once they receive a permanent residency Visa.

What you have done in the past such as your achievements and experiences are only proof that you are bound to contribute to the country. If you can prove your future contribution through other means like being a part of a new and growing industry or technology, you can have the same chances of Visa approval to those who have extensive achievements.

Your Nominator is a Great Asset 

By now you already know that you need a nominator to pass the GTI Visa Program. Most people settle for the bare minimum. They are fine with simply having somebody who passes the criteria to qualify as a nominator.

Settling for the bare minimum is not much of a problem if you have your entire profile sorted out. If your profile is the opposite, investing your time and effort on a great nominator can leverage the situation of your Visa application.

This means that if your credentials are not enough, then make sure you can leverage from your nominator.

Additionally, it is not just the credentials. The form that your nominator will fill out will have a strong merit on your GTI Visa application and a great nominator will be able to say the right words.

Migration Agents Make Waves of Improvements

If you ask people how they managed to pass their GTI Visa application, more frequently than not, they will tell you that it’s all because of their migration agent. 

A migration agent will bring huge improvements to your application. One can guide you on the best approaches and steps you can take to maximise the chances of your approval. An agent has done the GTI Visa application numerous times, so they already know what works and what doesn’t.

Even if you have the best credentials, if you don’t know how to properly represent yourself through the forms and requirements, your application will still likely be rejected. On the other hand, the right representation will get even the mediocre applicants the approval they are looking for. The latter is what migration agents do.

In Conclusion

An applicant’s CV is not everything when applying for the GTI Visa Program. It is the reason why people with seemingly mediocre credentials manage to pass the application process.

There are other factors that can affect an applicant’s approval. If you are able to capitalise on those factors instead of letting them pull you down, you will be able to leverage your profile and guarantee the success of your Visa application.

Start Looking for a Migration Agent Now…

With the list of factors that can positively affect your application, there is only one that you have massive control over: choosing your migration agent. 

The first step to finding yourself a good one is clicking the banner below and getting a FREE assessment.